Wing Chun Principles and Guidance

Written By: Sije Maya Johnson

My interest and admiration for the Wing Chun / Wing Tjun concept and principles began after the first lesson I attended. I am constantly striving to take these principles into account not only in the course of exercise, but also in my daily life. When a person begins to train his body to turn his movements into a reflex, he should refer to the principles of Wing Chun and think frequently about these principles, while at the same time discipline the mind by applying these principles. It is our responsibility to develop ourselves as a human being and to be a better individual, who we are and to continuously improve the benefits that we provide to the world we live in. My interest and admiration for the concept and principles of Tlej started after what I learned in the first lesson I attended. I am constantly striving to take these principles into account not only in the course of exercise, but also in my daily life. When a person begins to train his body to turn his movements into a reflex, he should refer to the principles of Wing Tsun and think frequently about these principles, while at the same time discipline the mind by applying these principles. It is our responsibility to improve ourselves as a human being and to be a better individual, to continuously improve the benefits of who we are and the world we live in.

Wing Tsun undoubtedly benefits many ways, practitioners of physical health, physical endurance, precision and self-discipline. Wing Tsun also allows the person who is practicing to acquire features that will help him to become more successful in his daily life. Wing Tsun is based on many concepts, for example; center line, motion saving, relaxation, balance, structure and posture. The concept of four combats and the concept of four power, combining the concepts of center line, motion saving, relaxation, balance, structure and posture with open hand forms such as Siu Nim Tao and Chum Kiu, will not only lead to the person who is practicing Wing Tsun, but will also encounter life in life. in every difficult situation also leads.


Fighting Principles

Considering the principles of martial law as reference to everyday life, instead of seeing these principles as ği fighting günlük principles, one should see them as gı guiding principles ğ to be applied in the face of the difficulties they may face or face in everyday life. In the case of Wing Tsun work, these principles should be continuously applied to support and strengthen the techniques applied.

If the path is open or empty, scroll ahead
A very simple expression, however, is a powerful expression when we adapt it to both our daily lives and Wing Tsun. If you are in front of the opponent and have entered your field, retreat, move and move to the center of your opponent. Similarly, if you are ahead of your goals, you must move to the goal to achieve them, not away from the target, not out of the target, or by standing and not waiting for the future. There is a constant focus on forward flowing energy. If you do n’t have anything to stop
or try to change something new and you just couldn’t because of hesitations, lack of motivation, or fear – go ahead. Many people are reluctant and resilient to change, to try new things or to take risks in life. Usually we limit ourselves to most individuals.

Implementation of the first principle means to move towards our goals and face challenges. This leads us to new changes in life, new problems to be tackled and new risks to be taken. In the end, this gives us awareness, opportunities, changes and experiences as a reward. The person who does the Wing Tsun must always aim to go forward, towards his opponent, he must direct his energy with constant forward pressure on his opponent’s vertical axis. We need to be more “progressive” and facing challenges in life.

Stay in the center of the opponent, not in his arms or his hands
As a Practitioner, when the opponent touches our arms, we must keep the pressure against the opponent’s vertical center and not retreat. One thing to remember is that you should not focus on anything other than the center of the opponent, eg arms and hands. Contact and print should always be applied. If an attack faces resistance, it must not retreat and adhere to the opponent. If both pressure and contact are not applied, the person is exposed and becomes vulnerable to injury.
When we adapt to everyday life, the practitioner may find similarities when faced with a problem with a new client, a new hobby or a new relationship. In order to take an active role and keep it under control you need to bring the end of the job and be involved. Leaving a job, managing the situation, results in a mistake. In fact, if there was “adherence” to the situation and the interest in the situation had been sustained, the errors could be prevented and improved. When the practitioner does not preserve the contact, it is vulnerable to counter-attack and danger, and the physical contact with which it responds rapidly is eliminated.

Power, Resistance gel When two superpowers are confronted, victory is known to surrender GLao Tzu. Reflex movements learned during Wing Tsun training result in direct movements and reflex movements in response to the opponent’s movements. Chi Sau is an example of these exercises. In which direction, with which power and in which direction attack power comes, it is determined in that direction. When printing and a larger power come into the practitioner’s field, a reflexive response is given to give way to power.
In some times in life we ​​have to give up what we cannot control or which are stronger than we are. This does not mean that we ignore the principles and run away. The use of other principles and submission to a stronger power than we are is to take our power and direct it to our advantage. Contact protected, we should use the power in such a way that it does not harm us against our opponent. This will lead us to direct power to our rival, but we should not use it without adding our own power. If a person can cope with a situation which is negative especially for himself / herself by adding time, effort and positivity, then the third principle is applied to daily life.

If the opponent is withdrawn, follow
Permanent pressure should be applied as a result of the first combat principle. If the opponent retreats, you must follow the opponent as the fourth principle. When you take some steps in life or in some cases, you have to go to the end. Finish what you started. Therefore, this principle, which supports the first principle, reminds us that we need to move forward until we have a negative impact on life until we have a problem, threat, danger, weakness and error.

Power Principles

  1. Free Your Own Power

Tension slows our reactions and weakens both our attack and our defense. To give up our own power is not to be weak. But if you do not give up your own power, you will have to fight with yourself. To move dynamically, you need to do the relaxing movements effectively. The first position of the siu nim taon, iras stance, provides us with a perfect way to center ourselves and relax in a good position. The first position is carried out slowly with a certain force with fluid arm and hand movements. Tension or strength should be equal to the stress of our lives. If we are stretched, more problems arise, we lose our health rapidly. Focus on the body’s relaxation and keep breathing while maintaining your center-line.

‘one. Without our own power: In order to be able to move dynamically and respond to the opponent’s attack, our body and muscles must be comfortable. When our muscles and body are stretched, our own force has been hand brake for us. ‘

  1. The Power of the Minister
    Using the posture transitions and turns learned in the second form, the Chum Kiu allows the opponent to fall into space and fills this gap with counter attacks. Thus, the person resets his opponent’s power and directs his power by making a back attack to his opponent with turns, steps, postures, transitions, arm and foot movements. This idea is similar to the third principle used to repel the strong opponent. Backward is not to respond by showing our own strength, but by removing power from our area to neutralize.

There are some situations where direct collisions can be prevented in daily life. Instead of using force against power, we allow the person to fall to the traps he dug himself. Even in the basic thing that is so chatting, one person is talking depressed and upset and the other is starting to play a happy song and dance to change the energy of the room. Instead of complaining or reacting to someone, one can direct his energy to the positive direction. Being aware of the intent of the threat or attack, we can use this principle as our advantage, just as we use the second principle as an advantage in our daily lives.

‘2nd. This power principle is similar to the 3rd Fighting principle. If your opponent is stronger than you, our reaction is not to use force against the power of the opponent, but by using our taught reflexes to attack the attacker’s strength and attack at the same time to create a different angle. ‘
3. Use the power of the opponent against himself

When an attack is carried out and the opponent’s power is directed, it is necessary to turn it into an advantage. When a person directs all his attention and energy to something, they reveal areas that they don’t focus on naturally. In many cases, this benefit is of benefit to our exploited weakness.

‘3. Use your opponent’s power against himself: the goal is to take advantage of the power your opponent uses against you. If your opponent is attracting you, you can use this energy as a part of your own attack. Or if your opponent pushes the left side of your body, you can use this power that comes from being pushed as a revolving door and you can make a counter-attack with your right arm. ‘

  1. Add the power of the opponent to his own power

Once the attack is directed towards the opponent, it must be combined with the own force of the practitioner. This creates a tightened flexible movement which is stronger than the practitioner’s own strength. Equally, in daily life we ​​have to add our own contributions to different situations. We take responsibility to create a more positive impact and control our actions to achieve our goals in a strong and supportive way. Instead of scattering our energy against disintegration, we direct the energy of the opponent to him by adding our own power and create a higher effect together.

‘4. Add your own power to the opponent’s power: In addition to using the power of the opponent mentioned above against him, you can add your own power to the other side to provide maximum effect.

In short, the principles of the Wing Tsun are related to force and power and are very simple but very important guide to the application. The person is guided in different situations of life as well as in the struggle. All of the Wing Tsun system provides many skills, but it does not only teach us self-defense. It also provides us with concepts, principles and ideas that we can adapt to our daily lives. The physical benefits of Wing Tsun are improved health, improved physical power, coordination, reflex, speed, power, variability, flexibility as well as good standing and robustness. In addition, the simplicity and depth of Wing Tsun principles allow anyone to learn while allowing anyone to learn. This doctrine provides benefits for overcoming all situations in life. In this respect, Wing Chun offers a healthy, peaceful and useful lifestyle.

03/20/2015; 21/3/2018 amended

Johnson, Maya

12 SG (Student Grade)

Translation: Johnson, M .; Güler, P .; Kanbakoglu, B.


Ting, Leung Grandmaster, ‘Wing Tsun Kuen’ , December 1978, September 2003

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